Who are you?
We are BTB Imaging LLC dba Fish Eye Fun, a Missouri based company founded by Benjamin Brammeier. We are an event photography (photo booth) company.
What information do you store?
We store user input data sent through the post comments and contact forms on this website, along with meta information about the submissions, including the time stamp, the origin IP address, and the user agent (browser). Also, third party services may collect information about website visitors. We currently use Google Analytics on this website.
Where does the information go?
We use the Contact Form 7 plugin and WuFoo.com to manage contact form submissions. The information is sent as email messages that only a select few are allowed to access. The information is stored in the WordPress database on our hosting server, the WuFoo.com forms website, and our cloud based CRM software Daylite by MarketCircle.com for backup and later reference purposes. Pro.Photo hosts this website on WPEngine.com.
How long do you keep the information?
We don’t set a particular time limit on storing information because we need it for future reference. If you want your information to be removed from our database, please contact us. We will remove it anytime there are concerns about your privacy.
Do you share the information with other parties?
We do use some WordPress plugins on this website that may pass data, including personal information, to external servers to process, such as Akismet Anti-Spam and WuFoo.com forms.
If you’re just filling our contact form, rest assured, we will never sell or give your information to anyone.
Once you are a client, we will never sell your contact and event information to a third party. We will also never share our contact list with a third party.
We may share your information with another vendor if you are already working with that vendor for your event. For example, if your DJ wants to confirm your day-of contact persons phone number, we would certainly do that.
We do regularly post some basic event information on our website, Facebook, and other social media platforms so clients and guests can easily find their photos online.
For a wedding, we might post first names, wedding date, and venue. For a corporate event, it might be the company name with event date and additional relevant information about the event.
We will always confirm the type of online gallery clients want (or no online gallery at all) for their Fish Eye Fun photos and we will always honor requests that no information about an event be posted online.