We’ve got a huge weekend ahead of us, with 9 different events going on today!
Samantha is out early this morning LIVE at SLPS Wellness for their Wellness Day.
Patrick is LIVE this afternoon at GFI Digital for their Family Picnic.
Ashley is LIVE at St. Paul Knights of Columbus for Katy & Ben’s reception.
Casey is LIVE at Majorette for Katy & Justin’s reception.
Jake is LIVE at Sugar Creek Winery for Nikki & Jake’s reception.
Samantha is LIVE at Palladium for Michelle & Drew’s reception.
Natalie is LIVE at Doubletree Hilton Chesterfield for Samantha & Ben’s reception.
Patrick is LIVE at Grand Hall Chouteau for Lift for Life Gym’s event.
Jonathan is LIVE at Francis Howell North High School for their Homecoming.